current scholars

Bridget Kawira is 14 years old. She studied at Mutunyi Primary School and scored 329 out of 500 marks in KCPE. Both parents are alive but separated. She now lives with her mother and her 18-year-old sister. Her mother is a casual laborer and the little she gets is not enough to cater to all the needs of her family. She joined Ikuu Girls High School and is now in form one. Bridget would like to be a doctor when she grows up.

Jamilah is 16 years old from Mutunyi. She studied at Mutunyi Primary School and scored 364 out of 500 marks in KCPE. She was the top candidate in her class. Both her parents are alive but separated, the mother remarried in another family. Jamilah is now living with her elderly grandmother and receives little support from her father. She has a sister who is in grade 6. Jamila joined Loise Nanyuki Girls and is now in form one. When she grows she would love to be a doctor.

Christopher eregai
Christopher is 16 years old and comes from a family of five. He lives with both his parents who are peasant farmers. With the prolonged drought being experienced in this region, farming is proving to be a very difficult thing to do right now. And so many families have been affected by the drought and Christopher's is not exempted. Two of his elder siblings finished high school but his parents could not afford to take them to university, the other two never went to high school due to a lack of fees. He is in form two at St Paul’s Kevote High School in Embu. When he grows up, he would love to be a doctor.

Charity Karambu
Charity Karambu was born in 2004 and raised in Mutunyi village. Charity and two of her siblings are raised by a single mother who is jobless and therefore most of the time feeding them becomes a problem. Her elder brother is in form four while her younger brother is in grade seven. She is in form three at Ikuu Girls High School. Charity would love to be a Doctor when she grows up and she loves reading novels.

Fedester Baraka
Fedester Baraka is 17 years old from Mutunyi. Fedester comes from a very humble family of four. He is a very determined and hardworking young boy. His determination and hard work have enabled him to score very good grades since he joined high school. His parents are casual laborers who only get little money to buy food. Fedester likes drawing and when he grows up he would like to be an architect. He is currently in form three at Meru School, one of the best high schools in the country.

Evans Kinoti
Evans is in his final year at a very good county school, Igembe Boys School. He is 7th in his class of over 200 and is targeted a grade A - could achieve this if he is sufficiently focused and driven. He was school president and really enjoys positions of responsibility. ​He hopes to get the grades to study pharmacy at university. His dream is to run to become an MP and then maybe prime minister one day!

Pauline Gaiciumia
​Pauline was born in 2005 in Mutunyi village. She lives with her uncle and aunt in the same village. She was taken in by her uncle when she was very young since her parents could not provide for her basic needs. Although her uncle is a casual laborer, he tries his best to raise and give Pauline the best life that he knows how. With the little that he gets, he is able to put food on the table for them. Pauline schooled at Mutunyi Primary then later joined Yururu Girls for her high school studies. She is currently in the final year of her studies and would like to be a teacher when she grows up.

Princeppus Muthomi
Princeppus Muthoni is 21 years old and from Mutunyi village. He is the third born in a family of four; two elder sisters and a younger one. They live with both of their parents who are peasant farmers, they practice irrigation farming. They mostly grow food crops like vegetables, maize, and beans but often they also grow cash crops like onions and tomatoes. Princeppus has been a beneficiary of CSMF sponsorship since 2016 when he joined high school. He is currently beginning his fourth year of studies in September at Kabarak University where he is pursuing a degree in clinical medicine. His two elder sisters did a one-year training in tertiary education, one is now a skilled makeup artist and the other one did dressmaking. His youngest sister has just begun her college education; she is doing food technology. Princeppus loves writing and reading poems and novels his favorite authors are Cassandra Clare, Phillip Pullman, and J.R.R Tolkien. In his free time, he plaits hair!

Robinson Murithi Kaigara
Robinson Murithi is 21 years old and from Mutunyi village. Robinson is raised by a single mum who is a casual laborer. He schooled at Mutunyi Primary School where he managed to score 324/500 marks. Through CSMF support he managed to join Kaaga Boys High School for four years and when he sat for his national examinations in 2022, he scored a grade C. This will enable him to pursue a diploma course in one of the national polytechnics in the country. His dream is to be a civil engineer.

Bonface Mutethia
Bonface was born on 6/7/2006 in Mutunyi. He lives with both his parents and seven of his siblings. He schooled at Mutunyi Primary then later joined Igembe Boys High School and is currently in the last year of his high school studies. His parents are casual laborers who depend entirely on manual work to survive. He would like to be a doctor when he grows up. With his determination and hard work, we hope he will attain a grade that will enable him to realize this dream. Bonface loves playing football in his free time.

Jackline Kathure was born in 2005. Her mother disappeared when she was a very young girl and since then nobody knows of her whereabouts and whether she is alive or dead. She was therefore left under the care of her father and after some time he started abusing her at a tender age of nine years. Her father continued with this despicable act until when she was in class six when finally, she gained courage and informed the authorities. The father was sent to 30 years in prison while her stepmother, after learning what had been happening ran away not to be found. Since then, Jackline has been living with a well-wisher who volunteered to stay with her. When she grows up, she would like to be a journalist, to give voice to the voiceless. She is in form three at Maua Girls Secondary.

Isaac was born 0n 11/12/2004 in Mutunyi village. He has three siblings who live with both his parents who are peasant farmers at Mutunyi. With the prolonged drought being experienced in the region, farming has become a very unsustainable economic activity for most families in the area and thus very hard for parents to cater to the needs of their families. Isaac is a form three student at Kanyakine Boys High School and would like to be an architect when he grows up.